Our vision is to enable vibrant, safe, supportive communities, where we work in partnership, supporting communities, residents and visitors to safely enjoy our rich community life and to help people to stay active and healthy for longer.
This role will be at the vanguard of creating the brighter future that Cornwall’s communities deserve. Your principal priorities will be providing a class-leading housing options service, shaping a future strategy for Culture, Leisure and Libraries, and working to build resilient communities, empowered to make local decisions. In common with other local authorities, we face a range of challenges; but we’ve an ambitious vision for our county, and the resources to deliver it.
So it’s one of the most exciting places to bring your talents. Whether your career to date has been in housing or another discipline, you will have an impressive track record of working strategically and in partnership to build a strong, forward-looking service. Candidates will bring exceptional professional capability, a visible and inspiring leadership style, and an inclusive philosophy of continuous improvement. Able to work at all levels of the council, including advising elected members, you’ll be ready for a truly corporate role that will improve life for thousands of residents.
Some of the key responsibilities of this role:
The Service Director for Community Services is one of the senior roles that comprise the Council’s Leadership Team (CLT). The role will work closely with the Strategic Director Neighbourhoods, CLT colleagues and Members to set and deliver the Council’s Business Plan and associated Outcomes in accordance with the new Target Operating Model.
To line manage the Head of Leisure, Culture & Libraries; Head of Resilient Communities; Head of Business Improvement, Registrations and Bereavement Services; Head of Housing Options and to host the Senior Coroner.
To build and maintain strong relationships with our communities, voluntary sector, towns and parishes, furthering appropriate partnerships and devolution of services that benefit our communities.
To build and maintain strong relationships with external organisations and relevant government departments and NGOs (including but not limited to, MHCLG, CALC, Sport England, DCMS, Home Office, Heritage England, OPCC etc.).
To lead, through the Head of Resilient Communities, the Community Safety function and services for the Council, as well as the operational oversight of the Emergency Management team. In addition, through the Head of Resilient Communities, to lead the localism service including devolution, and the further development and evolution of community network areas and panels.
To lead through the Head of Culture, Leisure and Libraries, the day-to-day function of the leisure and cultural offer such as our library and leisure partnerships (including Active Cornwall and leisure operators), and our cultural and heritage offers including Kresen Kernow and our mining centres , (alongside the strategic team in Economy and Skills) and the strategic oversight of our country parks, playgrounds and public spaces (supported by Environment Services).
To lead, through the Head of Business Improvement, Registrations and Bereavement Services, the Council’s registration and bereavement functions, including managing the administrative support team for the Coroners Service and hosting the Senior Coroner. In addition, drive and coordinate business and process improvement and challenge across the whole directorate, supporting all Neighbourhoods Services to respond to reviews, audits and improvement plans.
To lead, through the Head of Housing Options, the Council’s functions in relation to prevention of homelessness and delivery of duties towards those presenting as homeless. This includes prevention activities and early intervention, the provision of temporary and emergency accommodation, and the rough sleepers service.
About You
We're looking for someone with the right values, attitudes and behaviours to join the Team. The right person for the role will:
Ability to evidence inspiring leadership and management qualities, well accustomed to partnership working and be an effective team player
Be community focussed, and intrinsically motivated to do the best for our communities
Be skilled at communicating and building relationships at all levels
Able to effectively navigate complex and difficult conversation with the public, Members and partner organisations
Have a visionary, strategic outlook with a growth mindset
Have strong budget management knowledge and skills
Experience of Service turnaround and improvement would be an advantage
An understanding of Housing Options would also be an advantage
To apply for this job please submit your CV, a Supporting Statement (no more than four sides of A4), a completed Candidate Application Form and a completed Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form to cornwall-council@faerfield.co.uk quoting: ‘Vacancy: Service Director Community Services, Reference: A000449’.
Your supporting statement should express why you are interested in this role and what experience you can bring to the organisation. The statement should tackle the specific requirements of the role; outlining examples and outcomes showing how you meet those requirements.
Please also provide the names and contact details of two referees, one of whom should be your current or most recent employer. If you do not wish us to approach your referees without your prior permission, then you should state this clearly.