Sheffield is a city that is being noticed globally and has the potential to be the best city to live and work in, grow up and grow old in, and to start, grow and scale a business in.
The new Council Plan is a significant milestone in the development of our organisation. It sets out a clear and positive statement of what we want to achieve for Sheffield over the coming 4 years, aligned to our Medium Term Financial Strategy to set the high-level policy direction for the whole organisation which will then be delivered through our key strategies, service plans and the huge contributions that our staff make to the city every day.
The new Plan means that citizens, city partners and investors will know where the Council is headed, what it stands for and give even more opportunity to hold the organisation to account.
These five outcomes will be the structure for the Council’s priorities, for the money we spend and our performance framework so that we can be held to account for delivering for the city. We will set out the detail of the steps we will take to deliver these through our key strategies and delivery plans.
Our values have been developed by employees, for employees. They guide how we do things each day, individually and together, irrespective of our role or location, helping to make our organisation a positive and productive place to work.
Watch the short video message from our Chief Executive, Kate Josephs, to hear more about our values and what they mean for us:
Promoting fairness and tackling inequality are at the heart of our values as an organisation. As a council we want to provide high quality and accessible services that deliver what matters most to our diverse communities. We also want our workplace culture to promote and embrace equality, fairness and inclusion.
Read our equality objectives 2019-23
Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy sets out our equality commitments to the people of Sheffield and our staff and how we will meet them.
Download our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Our Annual Equalities Report 2021-22 summarises our actions and progress on improving equality.
Read our Annual Equalities Report 2021-22
We have ambitious plans for our city centre, which will transform the contribution it makes regionally and nationally. Our vision is for a well-connected, high profile city centre with a quality environment that supports business, employment, residential and cultural opportunities. The city centre will be a hub for learning, employment, and highly skilled jobs but also a place where people can live.
Our City Centre Vision sets out our plans to create a thriving, liveable and sustainable city centre. New homes and neighbourhoods will deliver housing-led growth, with supporting investment vital to creating places where people want to live.
Download our City Centre Strategic Vision
Sheffield Growth Plan 2025-2035
Fair and Healthy Sheffield Plan | Health and Wellbeing Board