Welcome to Cornwall Council.



Hello and thank you for your interest in serving the residents of Cornwall.

I am incredibly proud to be the Leader of Cornwall Council, one of the largest unitary authorities in the country. We are ambitious for our residents and this is encapsulated in our mission – which is to work together for a carbon neutral Cornwall where everyone can start well, live well and age well. You will be instrumental in helping us to achieve that mission.

Alongside the images of Cornwall you might see on your screen, or experience by visiting, beautiful images of sun, sea and sand, we also have a unique set of challenges including our rurality and our dispersed population which make the delivery of excellent services all the more vital. We are committed to transforming our services and ensuring they are agile to adapt to the changing needs of residents.

We have a strong culture of partnership and innovation in Cornwall, which helps us to tackle these challenges – whether it is working closely with our residents, Members, stakeholders and  Government to ensure Cornwall is at the forefront of devolution, calling for fairer and more certain funding for Cornwall. Alongside this, we are clear about the part that Cornwall can play in helping the Government achieve sustainable economic growth, by harnessing our abundant natural resources. Our wind and wave power, our critical minerals, our agritec, food and drink sectors will all play their part in achieving energy security and quite literally feeding our nation in the future.

That is the big picture for Cornwall. We are looking for exceptional candidates who share our vision and can help our team to make real progress to deliver it in the coming years.  

Cllr Linda Taylor
Cllr Linda Taylor
Council Leader
Cornwall Council

Thank you for your interest in these exciting and pivotal roles with us.

Cornwall has incredibly strong foundations for the future – we are an internationally recognised location, with a strong sense of place and community. Whilst we have challenges with higher rates of vulnerability in some areas and a rapidly ageing population, we are proud to be an ambitious Council for our communities, with an almost unique array of opportunities for growth and development across  Cornwall. We are constantly challenging and transforming our services to give the best service to our Communities, encouraging innovation and economic growth through our investment portfolio and strong partnership structures.

Cornwall is a special place, where our enabling and strategic services are critical to our success. We are looking for exceptional candidates with a long term strategic mindset who can enable our strategic ambitions through a relentless focus on the delivery of quality enabling and strategic services. In Cornwall, we proudly put our communities front and centre of everything that we do both for today and for tomorrow. Our work is guided by four outcome delivery plans underpinned by a focus on Our People, Our Planet and Our Pounds.  The successful candidates will have the foresight, drive, energy and expertise to build on the great work we have done to date.

I am so proud of this organisation, and I am seeking exceptional candidates to share my passion for Cornwall.

Kate Kennally
Kate Kennally
Chief Executive
Cornwall Council