Buckinghamshire is a beautiful county, and our stunning natural and historic landscape is valued by all.

Over a quarter of our county is within the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and a further third is covered by the Metropolitan Green Belt. The county has much to offer to its visitors, including historic houses, stunning gardens, such as those at Cliveden and Stowe, and historic attractions such as the Chiltern Open Air Museum and the Hell-Fire Caves.

Buckinghamshire is a prosperous county and a successful place to do business, contributing £14.8 billion to the UK economy and ranked as the fourth most productive area in England. The county has low unemployment rates, higher than average household incomes and boasts world-leading sectors. With the home of British motor racing at Silverstone Circuit based in the north, through to Pinewood Studios in the south where the legendary James Bond movies were filmed, it’s fair to say that Buckinghamshire is already a hive of activity.

Living in Buckinghamshire

Buckinghamshire has excellent rail and road connections to London and other Home Counties and comprises of both peaceful and bustling towns and villages - some of which are part of the London commuter belt. With glorious countryside on your doorstep, exceptional schools across the county, and diverse locations to suit a range of lifestyles and budgets; Buckinghamshire is an exceptional county to both live and work.

Buckinghamshire in numbers

In 2022

  • The population was 551,560 (as of January 2022).
  • The average house price was £413,924 (as of December 2021).
  • The average rent for a two-bed property was £1,310 per calendar month (as of January 2022).
  • There were 171 parish and town councils.
  • 31% of the county is designated green belt (England average 12.5%).
  • The size of the Buckinghamshire economy’s national output was £18.2 billion (Buckinghamshire LEP 2019).
  • One-third of working residents travel outside of the county for work.
  • There were 236 schools.

On the horizon

  • The population is set to reach 564,319 by 2030.
  • There will be 450 State Pension age citizens per 1,000 working-age citizens by 2040 (from 320 per 1,000 in 2020).

In the next decade (2023 to 2033)
There is set to be a:

  • 19% increase in 65+ year-olds
  • 38.4% increase in 85+ year-olds
  • 4.3% decrease in children

Useful links:

Living in Buckinghamshire (Zoopla)

Schools and Learning in Buckinghamshire

Visit Buckinghamshire

Health, Wellbeing and Sports in Buckinghamshire