Welcome to West Sussex



Thank you for your interest in this vital and rewarding role.

Since I joined West Sussex County Council just a few weeks ago, I’ve found all of the positive things that I’d been told about the energy, vision and public service values of this amazing organisation to be absolutely evident. The progress that has been made in recent years, and the ambition to do more, are striking.  I firmly believe that together, we can deliver class-leading performance across the organisation.

Amongst the notable recent achievements at West Sussex is the very significant improvement in Children’s Services, and continuing this trajectory is one of my personal – and our organisational – priorities for the coming years. The improvement to date feels embedded and real, and I have been struck by the clear-eyed support for this ambition from elected members. The Leader of the Council formerly held the Children’s portfolio, and it is now led by a highly respected and passionate portfolio holder in Cllr Jacquie Russell. Effective children’s services are essential if we’re to be an effective organisation, and I truly believe that everyone in the council is excited by giving children the best start in life, and putting Children First.

Our foundations are well set, but we need the leadership to build on that and help take us to the next level. It’s about embedding great practice, investing in early help, and building a better and financially sustainable service that will bear fruit over the medium term. I’ve been privileged to be part of senior leadership teams in three councils where Children’s Services achieved significant improvements in performance (Bexley, Kingston and Surrey); and while of course every place has specific challenges, they all shared a clear philosophy of sound, sustainable improvement, led by talented DCS’s, and supported by a commitment from the whole council.

My commitment to you is that we will all continue supporting you and your team, as you lead us on the next phase of this journey towards excellence.  I look forward to meeting you, and to getting underway.

Leigh Whitehouse
Leigh Whitehouse
Chief Executive
West Sussex County Council